Saturday, January 13, 2007

Core Swing: Advanced Programming

Core Swing: Advanced Programming by Kim CHM 9,8 Mb 960pages

Written as a supplement to the author's , Kim Topley's Core Swing: Advanced Programming delves deeply into several important Java topics. Every experienced Java programmer will find very useful techniques for working with Swing controls and other high-level UI features.The book zeroes in on two aspects of Swing interfaces. First, there are over 500 pages on optimizing your usage of a variety of Swing text controls. The author provides solutions to mimicking native-style operating system support for data validation, numeric input, and special processing with user input. There's also excellent coverage on the extensive support in Swing for loading and displaying HTML. Sections on extending the Swing table control will let you change how table data is displayed and edited (with coverage of custom renderers and cell editors).In addition, this book explores features in Swing that allow you to carry out advanced user interface operations, such as drag-and-drop functionality and undo support. Throughout this text, the author uses short code excerpts that solve problems and showcase brilliant Swing implementations. By concentrating on strategies and solutions, and not just the Swing APIs, the author shows you not only how to solve particular problems but also the underlying Swing design philosophy, so you can take this library even further in your own programs.If anything, this text proves once and for all that Swing is ready to take on native operating systems like Windows with its support for advanced user features. This book delivers some really valuable and impossible-to-find information for any experienced Java programmer who needs to do more with Swing. --Richard DraganTopics covered: Extending Swing text controls, text wrapping and scrolling, manipulating text documents, input validation, text attributes, highlighters and carets, custom views, Swing HTML support classes, viewing HTML, editor kits, cascading style sheets and Swing, bi-directional text for international applications, advanced table features in Swing, custom table renderers, table editing and cell editors, drag-and-drop support in Swing, drag sources and drop targets, using tree controls for file information, undo support in Swing link.

Java Frameworks and Components:

Java Frameworks and Components: Accelerate Your Web Application Development by Michael NashPublisher:(June 16, 2003) CHM 2 Mb 490 pages

This book is a practical tool for Java^TM programmers. It provides the necessary information for finding, evaluating and selecting an application framework for programming needs. It explains in plain language the benefits of frameworks and component technologies, specifically in relation to web application development. The book is unique: it does not focus on any specific technology, and uses examples from several different frameworks to explain the underlying principles. As the market for web applications begins its second wave, this volume provides the critical information for developers to make the transition into componentized framework-based development, keeping them ahead in an increasingly competitive market link.

UML for Java Programmers

UML for Java Programmers by Robert C. Martin; 1st edition PDF 1,1 Mb 288 pages
You don't use UML in a vacuum: you use it to build software with a specific programming language. If that language is Java, you need UML for Java Programmers. In this book, one of the world's leading object design experts becomes your personal coach on UML 1&2 techniques and best practices for the Java environment.
Robert C. Martin illuminates every UML 1&2 feature and concept directly relevant to writing better Java software--and ignores features irrelevant to Java developers. He explains what problems UML can and can't solve, how Java and UML map to each other, and exactly how and when to apply those mappings.
— Pragmatic coverage of UML as a working tool for Java developers — Shows Java code alongside corresponding UML diagrams — Covers every UML diagram relevant to Java programmers, including class, object, sequence, collaboration, and state diagrams — Introduces dX, a lightweight, powerfully productive RUP & XP-derived process for successful software modeling — Includes a detailed, start-to-finish case study: remote service client, server, sockets, and tests link

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Java(TM) EE 5 Tutorial

The Java EE 5 Tutorial, Third Edition, is the definitive, task-oriented, example-driven guide to programming server-side applications with Sun Microsystems' new Java(TM) EE 5 platform. Written by members of Sun's Java EE 5 platform team, this book enables new and intermediate Java programmers to build production-quality Java applications right away, as they gain a deep, rich understanding of the entire platform.
This tutorial offers expert guidance on developing presentation layers with the Java EE 5 platform's web tier technologies, using the platform's rich web services support, developing business logic with Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0 technology, accessing databases via the Java Persistence API, and leveraging the Java EE 5 platform's powerful services. It contains extensive new material throughout, including detailed introductions to the latest APIs, and instructions for using the NetBeans 5.5 IDE and Sun Java System Application Server 9.
The technologies and services covered in depth include:
— Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0— Java Persistence— JavaServer Faces Technology— Java API for XML-Based Web Services
(JAX-WS)— Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) — Streaming API for XML (StAX)— Java Servlet 2.5— JavaServer Pages
2.1 — JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL)— SOAP with Attachments API for Java (SAAJ) | PDF | 4,9 Mb | 1360 pages link

The Jini(TM) Specifications

What does Sun's Jini technology mean for the future of distributed computing? To find out, take a look at The Jini Specification, a guide written for IS managers and Java developers alike.
The book starts with what Jini is and how it works. (In short, Jini allows Java clients to invoke remote services easily through Java.) The authors present a chat message server and explain the Jini architecture where clients look up and "lease" remote services.
The heart of this book is its coverage of classes in the Jini specification. First there's an overview of Jini illustrated with a printer service. Then it's a close look at how clients "discover" Jini services, either through multicast or unicast protocols. (The authors also present useful built-in utility classes here.)
Next comes material on storing entries for Jini services (used for identifying them across the network) and the classes used to "lease" remote services. An interesting section on remote events contrasts them with local JavaBean events. Then it's on to Jini transactions, including the two-phase commit process used to manage work done remotely.
Later the book turns to the new JavaSpaces classes, which permit sharing data between Java processes in order to facilitate parallelism. An intriguing appendix reprints a white paper in which the Sun team outlines its philosophy of distributed computing. (They argue that local and remote objects need to be handled differently: object location transparency is a myth.)
With a mix of technology briefing and nuts-and-bolts detail, The Jini Specification delivers a valuable perspective on the latest advance in Java distributed computing from Sun. --Richard Dragan .PDF | 1,2 Mb | 688 pages link

Modern Compiler Implementation in Java

This textbook describes all phases of a compiler: lexical analysis, parsing, abstract syntax, semantic actions, intermediate representations, instruction selection via tree matching, dataflow analysis, graph-coloring register allocation, and runtime systems. It includes thorough coverage of current techniques in code generation and register allocation, and the compilation of functional and object-oriented languages. The most accepted and successful techniques are described and illustrated with actual Java^TM classes. The first part is suitable
for a one-semester first course in compiler design. The second part; which includes the compilation of object-oriented and functional languages, garbage collection, loop optimization, SSA form, instruction scheduling, and optimization for cache-memory hierarchies; can be used for a second-semester or graduate course.

This new edition includes more discussion of Java and object-oriented programming concepts such as visitor patterns plus a new Mini-Java programming project. A unique feature is the newly redesigned compiler project in Java for a subset of Java itself. The project includes both front-end and back-end phases. CHM | 8 Mb | 512 pages


Building Parsers With Java by Steven John Metsker

CHM | 3 Mb | 400 pages

The premise of this book is that by learning how to work with parsers, you can create new computer languages that exactly fit your domain. When you create a language, you give your language users a new way to control their computers. By learning about parsers, you learn to define the way your users interact with computers using text. Who Should Read This Book This book assumes you have a good understanding of Java and would like to learn how to do the following:
Use a handful of tools to create new computer languages quickly. Translate the design of a language into code. Create new computer languages with Extensible Markup Language (XML). Accept an arithmetic formula from your user and compute its result
