Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Professional Java JDK 6

Working as an effective professional Java developer requires you to know Java APIs, tools,
and techniques to solve a wide variety of Java problems. Building upon Ivor Horton's
Beginning Java 2, this resource shows you how to use the core features of the latest JDK as
well as powerful open source tools such as Ant, JUnit, and Hibernate. It will arm you with
a well-rounded understanding of the professional Java development landscape.
The expert author team begins by uncovering the sophisticated Java language features, the
methodology for developing solutions, and steps for exploiting patterns. They then provide
you with a collection of real-world examples that will become an essential part of your
developer's toolkit. With this approach, you'll gain the skills to build advanced solutions
by utilizing the more complex and nuanced parts of Java JDK 6.link

JBoss(R) Seam: Simplicity and Power Beyond Java(TM) EEPrentice

JBoss(R) Seam: Simplicity and Power Beyond Java(TM) EE

Discover JBoss Seam: the Unified Framework for Simpler, More Powerful Web Development
JBoss Seam integrates EJB 3.0 and JSF components under a unified framework that simplifies and accelerates Java EE web development. Now, JBoss Seam’s project leader and technology evangelist take you inside this powerful new technology, showing exactly how to put it to work.
Michael Yuan and Thomas Heute show how JBoss Seam enables you to create web applications that would have been difficult or impossible with previous Java frameworks. Through hands-on examples and a complete case study application, you’ll learn how to leverage JBoss Seam’s breakthrough state management capabilities; integrate business processes and rules; use AJAX with Seam; and deploy your application into production, one step at a time. Coverage includes
How JBoss Seam builds on–and goes beyond–the Java EE platform• Using the “Stateful Framework”: conversations, workspaces, concurrent conversations, and transactions• Integrating the web and data components: validation, clickable data tables, and bookmarkable web pages• Creating AJAX and custom UI components, enabling AJAX for existing JSF components, and JavaScript integration via Seam Remoting • Managing business processes, defining stateful pageflows, and implementing rule-based security• Testing and optimizing JBoss Seam applications • Deploying in diverse environments: with Tomcat, with production databases, in clusters, without EJB 3, and more link

Sams Teach Yourself Java 6 in 21 Days

“If you get only one Java book, it should be Sams Teach Yourself Java in 21 Days” –PC Magazine
In just 21 days, you can acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to develop three kinds of programs with Java: applications on your computer, servlets on a web server, and browser-launched Java Web Start applications.
No previous programming experience required. By following the 21 carefully organized lessons in this book, anyone can learn the basics of Java programming.
Learn at your own pace. You can work through each chapter sequentially to make sure you thoroughly understand all of the concepts and methodologies, or you can focus on specific lessons to learn the techniques that interest you most.
Test your knowledge. Each chapter ends with a Workshop section filled with questions, answers, and exercises for further study. There are even certification practice questions.
“Sams Teach Yourself Java is one of the best introductions to hands-on Java programming. If you buy one book on Java, this is the one to buy!” –Independent Web Review
* Completely revised, updated, and expanded to cover the latest features of Java 6* Learn to develop standalone Java applications, web servlets, JavaServer Pages, and Java Web Start applications* Easy-to-understand, practical examples clearly illustrate the fundamentals of Java programming* Discover how Swing can help you quickly develop programs with a graphical user interface* Find out about JDBC database programming, Internet client/server programming, and XML parsing with the open source XOM class library* Covers new features of version 6 such as Java DB, the new relational database that is now a built-in* part of Java
Rogers Cadenhead is a web application developer who has written 22 books on Internet-related topics, including Sams Teach Yourself Java 2 in 24 Hours. He maintains this book’s official website _java21days.com_
Laura Lemay is one of the world’s most popular authors on Web development topics. She is the author of the bestselling Sams Teach Yourself Web Publishing with HTML, as well as Sams Teach Yourself Perl in 21 Days. link

Spring Framework in Action

"Spring in Action" Spring in Action 2E is an expanded, completely updated second edition of the best selling Spring in Action. Written by Craig Walls, one of Manning's best writers, this book covers the exciting new features of Spring 2.0, which was released in October 2006.Spring is a lightweight container framework that represents an exciting way to build enterprise components with simple Java objects. By employing dependency injection and AOP, Spring encourages loosely coupled code and enables plain-old Java objects with capabilities that were previously reserved for EJBs. This book is a hands-on, example-driven exploration of the Spring Framework. Combining short code snippets and an ongoing example developed throughout the book, it shows readers how to build simple and efficient J2EE applications, how to solve persistence problems, handle asynchronous messaging, create and consume remote services, build web applications, and integrate with most popular web frameworks. Readers will learn how to use Spring to write simpler, easier to maintain code so they can focus on what really matters-- critical business needs link

Professional Java Development with the Spring Framework

Professional Java Development with the Spring Framework .The Spring Framework is a major open source application development framework that makes Java/J2EE(TM) development easier and more productive. This book shows you not only what Spring can do but why, explaining its functionality and motivation to help you use all parts of the framework to develop successful applications.

You will be guided through all the Spring features and see how they form a coherent whole. In turn, this will help you understand the rationale for Spring's approach, when to use Spring, and how to follow best practices. All this is illustrated with a complete sample application. When you finish the book, you will be well equipped to use Spring effectively in everything from simple Web applications to complex enterprise applications.

What you will learn from this book* The core Inversion of Control container and the concept of Dependency Injection* Spring's Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) framework and why AOP is important in J2EE development* How to use Spring's programmatic and declarative transaction management services effectively* Ways to access data using Spring's JDBC functionality, iBATIS SQL Maps, Hibernate, and other O/R mapping frameworks* Spring services for accessing and implementing EJBs* Spring's remoting framework

This book is for

This book is for Java/J2EE architects and developers who want to gain a deeper knowledge of the Spring Framework and use it effectively.link

Inside the Java Virtual Machine

For the advanced Java developer, Inside the Java 2 Virtual Machine offers a detailed guide to the inner workings of today's Java Virtual Machines (JVMs), plus a complete reference to all bytecodes (the "machine code" for the language). For those who want to understand how Java really works, this book definitely delivers the goods, with excellent technical detail and demos of JVMs in action on the companion CD-ROM.This title provides a remarkably detailed tour of the internals of the Java platform, with plenty of technical information on the way virtual machines do business under the hood, from the way language statements are turned into bytecodes to in-depth coverage of loading and invoking classes, security, and garbage collection. The author demonstrates superior knowledge of Sun's Java Virtual Machine specification and explains the principles of its design and implementation, including a full explanation of how actual bytecodes are run on a VM. (Surprisingly, variables in Java are always processed on the stack, since there are no general CPU registers available, a very different architecture than most CPUs.) Each chapter includes applets that showcase Java in action (for example, adding two numbers or demonstrating garbage collection).The later part of this text covers over 200 Java bytecodes (mnemonic instructions for the JVM) by groups, and the book closes with a full listing of these opcodes (with over 150 pages of material). In all, Inside the Java 2 Virtual Machine serves as both a tutorial and reference to the architecture and inner operation of JVMs for any technically astute reader who wants to understand how Java really works. --Richard DraganTopics covered: Java Virtual Machine (JVM) class architecture, the Java class loader, tips for platform independence, Java security, verifying class files, code-signing, network mobility, Jini basics, the organization of Java .class files, Java object lifetimes, the linking model, garbage collection basics and algorithms, stack operations, type conversions, integer and floating-point arithmetic,objects and arrays, control flow, exceptions and finally clauses, method invocation, thread synchronization. link